Lois’s Reviews

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This woman is very talented. Her show is a delight for preschoolers, older children and parents due to Young’s whimsical imagination and singular vocal talents.She respects her young audience and effortlessly includes them from beginning to end.

~The Los Angeles Times

Flyers, Back Alley, , 1988-1989.

Young At Heart by Christine Neff, The Newark Post, February 8, 2007.

Crack in the Door, Chinaberry Book Service.

Several hundred listens later, our kids are still bound by the excellent music of Lois Young. Great albums that don’t grate on parent’s ears.

~The Pennywise Parent, Ontario Canada

Thank you letter from the City of Los Angeles by Tom Bradley, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, January 9, 1990.

Thank you letter from The Grand Opera House by Maria D. Cabrera, The Grand Opera House, Wilmington, Delaware, September 24, 1999.

Her world is children, music and puppets by Wendy Russ, The Newark Post: The Arts, May 19, 2000.

‘Pancakes’ provides children with fun-filled holiday romp by Lawrence Enscoe, Los Angeles Daily News.

Article by Gwen Hotchkiss.

Lois has a beautiful voice. Her songs are a musical feast for all ages. Highly entertaining… An effervescent kid-romp.

~Los Angeles Daily News

Original lullabies save bored parents by Barbara Breslau Spitz.

Lois Young’s new puppet show by Lynne Heffley, The Los Angeles Times: Kid Beat, April 21, 1989.

Putting a poem in your pocket by Robin Broomall, The Newark Post: , June 17, 2005.

Lois Young is an original!…Versatile and refreshing.

~L.A. Parent Magazine

Local performer strives to spark imagination of children by Andrea Miller, Hockessin Community News, January 6, 2005.

Theater for the very young by Paula Shulak, Greenville Community News: Eye on the Arts, August 19, 2003.

‘Pancakes’ Sweet for Preschoolers by Lynne Heffley, The Los Angeles Times: Kid Beat, April 20, 1988.

Jelly Bean Soup by Lynne Heffley, Parents’ Choice: Parents’ Choice Awards : Audio : Music, Fall 2008.

Off to a “Running Start”, Reading Today, June/July 2000.

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